Irseen Interviewed by Local Broadcast

2019-05-24 15:19

On June 20th, 2018, Irseen was invited for a talk show held by the local broadcast on the column voice of entrepreneurship.

The representative of Irseen briefed entrepreneurial story as well as the basic functions and applications of thermal camera, video tracker and gimbal. 

Irseen Interviewed by Local Broadcast

With the development of UAV technologies, Irseen is dedicated to build up its brand image in "Miniaturization, Intelligence and Integration" by providing multi-waveband imaging systems in which embeding intelligent modules of machine vision and gyro stabilization technologies that endows the whole system not only displays RGB and thermal images but realizes target tracking, 3D environmental perception on stable platforms. 

As epilog, Irseen's representative honestly suggested anyone who want to start up his/her own business that grasping key technologies or resources, heading into sunrise industries and perseverance were three of the most important factors an entrepreneur should be aware of and "stick to the card table" always matters the most. 

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