Target Tracking Infrared Cameras——Perfection of Tracking and Thermal Imaging

2019-07-30 16:22

Calculating under FPGA structure, the target tracking infrared cameras we have supports dual video streams inputs (RGB and thermal images) and fuse together in one stream output, therefore, to form picture in picture display. With that function, customers could switch between either single RGB, single thermal, bigger RGB + smaller thermal or bigger thermal + smaller RGB, 4 types of displays and target tracking can functionally work well under each mode of display.

thermal camera

Affine transformation it adopts makes it working stably under illumination and target shape changing. The shutter-free design guarantees the imaging continuity of the thermal camera that makes sure the camera will not loose any target during tracking due to field of view being blocked, something happened a lot to shuttered thermal cores.

From the above we could see that target tracking infrared cameras are the best choice for gimbals systems requiring tracking function while being strictly on size of the camera systems.

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