Tilt Rotor

This series of UAVs can switch freely between fixed-wing mode and multi-rotor mode. They have the advantages of vertical takeoff and landing of multi-rotor UAVs, long flight time and heavy load of fixed-wing UAVs, and have the ability of rapid forward flight, hovering, backward flight and attitude angle flight at any time.

  • Shenyang, China
  • Information

Tilt Rotor


This series of UAVs can switch freely between fixed-wing mode and multi-rotor mode. They have the advantages of vertical takeoff and landing of multi-rotor UAVs, long flight time and heavy load of fixed-wing UAVs, and have the ability of rapid forward flight, hovering, backward flight and attitude angle flight at any time.


  • Maximum size: 2600*1800*500(mm)

  • Load: 3kg

  • Cruise time: ≥120min

  • Economic cruise speed: 72km/h

  • Maximum take-off weight: 14kg

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