Pure electric vertical takeoff and landing UAV-p4

Our engineers have applied advanced aerodynamic designs and bold industrial designs, including the inverted tail fixed to the aircraft as landing gear, which balances the weight of the aircraft and ensures stable flight under maximum load; The P-Series' stratified fuselage minimizes air drag and dramatically increases cruising speed, boosting the lift-drag ratio to 21 (compared with 18 on a Boeing 747).

  • Information

Pure electric vertical takeoff and landing UAV


Leading aerodynamic technology with

Excellent lift-drag ratio

Our engineers have applied advanced aerodynamic designs and bold industrial designs, including the inverted tail fixed to the aircraft as landing gear, which balances the weight of the aircraft and ensures stable flight under maximum load; The P-Series' stratified fuselage minimizes air drag and dramatically increases cruising speed, boosting the lift-drag ratio to 21 (compared with 18 on a Boeing 747).


Light build, heavy strength

With better structure and aerodynamic design, P Series UAVs have excellent wind resistance performance, and can withstand up to 6 g loads after laboratory tests; The payload and endurance capacity of the 15kg class pure electric UAV is the highest.


A variety of loads, you can choose

The payload modules we provide have been redesigned to allow for rapid reassembly to meet different requirements. There are photoelectric pods, orthographic cameras, tilt cameras, multispectral cameras and lidar.


  • 4Effective sailing time (1Kg mount)

  • 300kmMaximum range

  • 100kmMaximum data transmission distance(30/60 optional)

  • 7500mPractical ceiling

  • 6kgMaximum load


≤3 m


≤ 1.9m


≤ 0.4 m

Take-off and landing mode

Autonomous vertical takeoff and landing without remote control

Take-off weight

15 kg or less

Flight time

≥ 4.5 h(carrying 1kg load)/ ≥ 1.5 h(carrying Lidar)

Cruising speed

65km/h -150km/h

Practical ceiling height

≥ 7500m above sea level

Wind resistance

Rotor landing stage 6, cruise stage 8 upwind, 6 cross wind

Operating temperature

20℃ below zero to 50℃ above zero

Task response time

Unfold ≤3 min, withdraw ≤3 min

Load module

Mapping type support aerial survey module/tilt module/Lidar remote sensing module/multi-light

Spectrum module, security type support single light/double light/three light interchange

Navigation control

Dual-frequency navigation system, supporting GPS/ Beidou/GLONASS

Attitude sensor

No less than 3 channels of redundant sensor design

Task mode

Fully automatic task mode is supported

Safety mechanism

Support abnormal wind homecoming, GPS loss lowering hover, lost contact automatic homecomingFunction support automatic power calculation

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