Vector multirotor

The multi-rotor UAV is designed with an extremely lightweight fuselage structure to maintain strength while saving as much excess weight as possible for mission loads and battery systems to extend idle operating time.

  • Shenyang, China
  • Information

Vector multirotor


The multi-rotor UAV is designed with an extremely lightweight fuselage structure to maintain strength while saving as much excess weight as possible for mission loads and battery systems to extend idle operating time.

The UAV system is mainly composed of UAV flight platform, mission payload system, ground station system and background big data management platform.

The UAV is designed based on the modular design concept, which can flexibly carry different airborne mission equipment (such as single-light camera module, multi-light pod module, etc.) to be applied to different tasks and has the capability of multi-scene application.

It is small in size and light in weight, and can be carried by a single person to complete the inspection of the designated work area.

The UAV is easy to use, easy to install, flexible, can be deployed in a short time, and can be widely used in a variety of air missions such as assault patrol, reconnaissance and search.


  • Max size 800*600*400(mm)

  • Mission load 5.2kg

  • Hover time 44min

  • The maximum flight altitude is 2000m

  • The maximum altitude is 5000m

  • GPS hover accuracy vertical: ±0.5m horizontal ±1.5m




Rotor diameter


Body size

800 mm * 800 mm * 295.1 mm

No-load weight

4.5 kg



Maximum flight time


Maximum flight speed


Maximum altitude


Task radius


GPS hover accuracy

Vertical ±0.5m

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