Pitch free" tandem wing tilt-rotor UAV

Tilt-rotor UAV
It can be disassembled and assembled into multi-rotor mode or tilt-rotor fixed wing mode according to different scene requirements. According to customer application scenarios at any time assembly, easy to use. Foam body, lightweight, easy to carry.

  • Shenyang, China
  • Information

Pitch free" tandem wing tilt-rotor UAV


Tilt-rotor UAV

It can be disassembled and assembled into multi-rotor mode or tilt-rotor fixed wing mode according to different scene requirements. According to customer application scenarios at any time assembly, easy to use. Foam body, lightweight, easy to carry.


  • Max size 1800*1260*550(mm)

  • The mission has a payload of 1kg

  • Cruise time 60min

  • Economic cruising speed 80km/h

  • Maximum takeoff weight 7kg

  • Maximum speed 120km/h


Max size 1800*1260*550(mm)

The mission has a payload of 1kg

Cruise time ≥60min

Economic cruising speed 80km/h

Maximum takeoff weight 7kg

Maximum speed 120km/h

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