Flight control

It is a new generation flight control system product developed by IRSEEN Company for industrial applications. Z1 main control adopts double redundant sensor real-time online voting algorithm, combined with patented internal shock absorption technology, with high reliability, high security, easy installation and other features. Z1 flight control system ADAPTS to fixed wing, helicopter, tilting rotor, multi-rotor, vector and other types of aircraft, supporting monitoring, line patrol, mapping, training and other application scenarios.

  • Information

Flight control


It is a new generation flight control system product developed by IRSEEN Company for industrial applications. Z1 main control adopts double redundant sensor real-time online voting algorithm, combined with patented internal shock absorption technology, with high reliability, high security, easy installation and other features. Z1 flight control system ADAPTS to fixed wing, helicopter, tilting rotor, multi-rotor, vector and other types of aircraft, supporting monitoring, line patrol, mapping, training and other application scenarios.

High reliability

  • l sensor redundancy configuration

  • l patent in shock absorption technology

  • l high coverage of the fault detection

  • l with real-time navigation fusion algorithm

  • l redundancy control law design algorithm

High security

  • l to check design before, to provide security for the flight

  • l perfect safety strategy, can automatic disposal machine fault

  • l and connecting with the ground station pronunciation, writing tip, ensure flight safety

  • l plane characteristics of ontology based security Settings and improve the safety factor in the process of flight

Multi-device support

  • Mapping camera

  • Photoelectric pod

  • RTK

  • Binocular ranging system

  • Ultrasonic radar

Strong scalability

  • Reserve industry general data interface, provide API for secondary development.

All categories of UAV adaptation

  • At the same time, oil, electric and other power types and a variety of aircraft layout

  • (Type X, +, V-tail, A-tail, T-tail, etc.)


Model name





Sensor indicator master

Master IMU

Gyroscope measurement range: ±300°/s

Standby IMU1

Acceleration measurement range :±20g


Gyro measuring range :±2000°/s

Magnetic compass

Acceleration measurement range :±16g


Gyro measuring range :±2000°/s

Airspeed meter

Acceleration measurement range: ±24g


Measuring range :X/Y axis ±16Gauss,

IMU damping form

Using patented internal shock absorption technology



PWM output: 12 channels

PWM input: 2 channels

Receiver input: 1 channel S.bus or PPM

CAN bus interface: 2 channels

RS232 Serial port: three channels

RS485 bus interface: 2 channels (multiplex with RS232 serial port)

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