Image data transmission integrated equipment

Image data integrated wireless transmitter, built-in two-way OFDM wireless link, support one-way wireless video transmission, two-way wireless voice transmission, two-way wireless network transparent transmission, two-way wireless serial port transparent transmission.

  • Information

Image data transmission integrated equipment


Image data integrated wireless transmitter, built-in two-way OFDM wireless link, support one-way wireless video transmission, two-way wireless voice transmission, two-way wireless network transparent transmission, two-way wireless serial port transparent transmission.


1)OFDM two-way wireless transmission link supports point-to-point and point-to-multipoint two-way communication;

2) Support HD, standard definition video wireless transmission, support video multiple one receive or one multiple receive, video H265 codec. The transmitter can simultaneously input HDMI (SDI) and AV video encoding transmission, and the receiver can simultaneously decode four channels of video for picture segmentation display (software with different functions is burned according to user requirements when shipping);

3) Support bidirectional data transmission through Ethernet ports;

4) Support two-way wireless transparent transmission of data through two RS232 serial ports;

5) Support receiver MIC audio input, corresponding to transmitter speaker output;

6) Transmitter HDMI (SDI) /AV audio and video wireless transmission to receiver HDMI and AV interface output at the same time;

7) Wireless communication parameters, audio and video encoding and decoding parameters of transmitter and receiver can be set through web mode of network port of transmitter or receiver;

9) Wireless transmission distance: 30km, 50km and above.

Interface description

Serial number



Digital HD audio and video Mini HDMI input (or SDI input, SMA external thread and internal hole seat, different video input interfaces are assembled according to user requirements when shipping)


Analog SD video input AV interface (or AHD), 4PIN 1.25mm spaced seat son


Ethernet port, 4PIN 1.25mm pitch with locking buckle seat


Transparent data serial port D1, RS232 level, 3PIN 1.25mm spacing seat son


Transparent data serial port D2, RS232 level, 3PIN 1.25mm spaced seat son


Configuration serial port D3, RS232 level, 3PIN 1.25mm spacing seat


Speaker audio output interface, 2PIN 1.25mm pitch seat son


Micro USB port for device software maintenance


The red is VDD, and the black is GND


Green Operating indicator of the Ethernet port. The indicator blinks based on data traffic during normal operation.


Red power indicator, always on during normal operation


Wireless link status indicator. When the wireless link is working normally, the indicator is steady on.

If the wireless module of the transmitter is set to work as the central node, the indicator is not on.


ANT1, internal hole of SMA external thread, main antenna interface, the antenna is TDD transmitting/receiving mode


ANT2, internal hole of SMA thread, auxiliary antenna interface, the antenna auxiliary receiving, not transmitting

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